Pricing Policy
Promo / Discount Code Policy
- Only one Promo/Discount Code may be used per order.
- Certain Limited Edition items are excluded from Promo Code Discounts.
- Certain brands that are already on sale are excluded from additional promo code discounts.
- Promo Codes must be entered at the time the order is placed and CANNOT be applied to previously shipped orders.
- Promo Codes do not apply to shipping costs (unless otherwise noted).
- Clearance/Sale Items are not eligible for promotional discounts.
Price Adjustment Policy
- If an item you have purchased from Oddball.com is discounted within 10 days of the purchase date, please contact us to request a one-time price adjustment.
- Price adjustments are issued in the form of store credit only.
- Oddball does not issue price adjustment refunds if a Promo Code results in an order discount.
- Oddball does not price match other retailers.
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